(Example pages of new notes, which total to 300 pages...)
The Truth Maker’s Wisdom Institute…
The Sound Laws Of Universal Thought…
The Pragmatic Maxim of Action__“If you pre-set the mathematical goal of the World 1st__It automatically sets the method necessary to achieve the actionable intelligence, to achieve the initially set algorithmic goal…”
Algorithmic Morality__Total Equal Wages For All World Citizens…(Injunction__Pass into law, then the Rich will work out the possibilities of necessities to maintain their own wealth position, i.e., enrich the poor without de-enriching the Rich__Inverse Algorithmic Incentive Laws__It’s Possible…)
“Two things here are all-important to assure oneself of and to remember. The first is that a person is not absolutely an individual. His thoughts are what he is "saying to himself," that is, is saying to that other self that is just coming into life in the flow of time. When one reasons, it is that critical self that one is trying to persuade; and all thought whatsoever is a sign, and is mostly of the nature of language. The second thing to remember is that the man's circle of society (however widely or narrowly this phrase may be understood), is a sort of loosely compacted person, in some respects of higher rank than the person of an individual organism." C.S. Peirce
“The elements of every concept enter into logical thought at the gate of perception and make their exit at the gate of purposive action; and whatever cannot show its passports at both those two gates is to be arrested as unauthorized by reason.” Peirce
“You can be sure that, however ungrateful his very contemporaries and fellow countrymen may be, the fame of Charles S. Peirce will radiate equal to that of a Leibniz or an Aristotle in all future millennia. And you can erect yourself no better monument than by joining his side as soon as possible and under full sail or flying flags.” Ernst Schrodinger
"All human affairs rest upon probabilities, and the same thing is true everywhere. If man were immortal he could be perfectly sure of seeing the day when everything in which he had trusted would betray his trust, and, in short, of coming eventually to hopeless misery. He would break down, at last, as every great fortune, as every dynasty, as every civilization does. In place of this we have death."
— Charles S. Peirce
“No one should fear that the contemplation of characters will lead us away from the things themselves; on the contrary, it will lead us into the interior of things. For nowadays our notions are often confused because the characters we use are badly arranged, but with the aid of characters we will easily have the most distinct notions, for we will have at hand a mechanical thread of meditation, as it were, with whose aid we can easily resolve any idea whatever into its components.” Leibniz
“…to unfold all truths of mathematics down to their ultimate grounds, and thereby provide all concepts of this science with the greatest possible clarity, correctness, and order, is an endeavor which will not only promote the thoroughness of education but also make it easier.” Bolzano
"...a proper notation is like a live teacher, gently guiding us into the clear and keeping us from error and wooliness. A real effort should be made to express [logical] principles in as perspicuous a notation as possible." Martin
“…if one could find characters or signs appropriate for expressing our thoughts as neatly and as exactly as arithmetic expresses numbers or geometric analysis expresses lines, one could accomplish in all subjects in so far as they are amenable to reasoning all that can be done in Arithmetic and Geometry. For all investigations depending on reasoning would be performed by the transposition of characters and by a sort of calculus, which would render very easy the invention of beautiful results. Hence we would not need to worry our heads as much as we do at present, yet we would be sure that we could execute anything feasible. Moreover, we could convince all of what we had found or concluded, since it would be easy to verify the calculation… And were someone to doubt what I was proposing, I would say to him ‘Sir, let us calculate’ and thus… soon settle the question.” Leibniz
“If, as I hope, I can conceive all propositions as terms, and hypotheticals as categoricals... this promises a wonderful ease in my symbolism and analysis of concepts, and will be a discovery of the greatest importance.” Leibniz
”[A thorough understanding of mathematical reasoning] is the purpose for which my logical algebras were designed but which, in my opinion, they do not sufficiently fulfill. The system of existential graphs is far more perfect in that respect...” Peirce
For propositions, the property of having truth or not corresponds, for ideas, to the property of actually representing or not an object (Bolzano 1837, § 154; my italics).
Abba Eban__ "History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives."
“Whatever occurs in a great many instances by a cause that is not free, is the natural effect of that cause.” Duns Scotus
“The ark of the Universe is long, but it tends toward justice.” M.L.King
"The true is precisely what is made." G.Vico
Peirce's 'Pragmatism' is a very powerful Scientific Logic... lg
“It is the central insight of the theory of abduction that there is no induction without a pre-existent hypothesis which has been inferred or constructed abductively.” Peirce
“In this view all the changes in our thinking, all our new ideas and all additional knowledge, are the results of violations of established "laws of thought", taxonomies or logics, by way of para-logical thinking.” Peirce
The Theorem of Catastrophic Dis-Equilibria__As aggregate onshore wealth is de-taxed, aggregate offshore transaction wealth’s credit productivity drastically increases unimpeded, as the total aggregate onshore credit productivity is decimated__due to exchange rate, tax and tax haven systems’ necessary historical mechanics of such dis-equilibria__unless government intervention be enacted by new laws, to re-balance these three systems’ unnecessary money and law sytems’ highly nefarious catastrophic mechanics…
The 'Un-Hood-Winking' of Society__Synthetic Technological Capitalism__The Causal Ordering Necessity__Psychology and Logic Negate Each Other__Combinatoric Necessity Is The Mother of Causal Order...
The Absolute Abduction Hypothesis__The Deduction Fallacy & The Abduction/Induction Reality__"For every deduction, there's an opposite and equal induction and an absolutely fundamental abduction..."
“Absolute infinity is not a number__It’s a dialectic logic statement about an abstract image…” LG
The Absolute Law of Ultimate Truth Finality Is Reality(all communities of investigators, will arrive at the same final truths, iff they but investigate to the ultimate limits of truth’s possibility…)
The Triadic Maxim___Any Idea; “Arithmetically check all possible effects, against all possible premises, and the combined results will be the total actions of the idea...”
Notes From The Under-Soul…
“You must know, in order for truth to be, you must become the truth-maker...”
The Mathematical Theorem of Genericity__"Mathematical ‘genericity’ is absolutely required to sensibly understand reality, simply..."
"Truth is eternally limited to ‘genericity’, due to the fact that the manifold of interpretation is infinitely extendable__X/X=1+IIEE, eternally..."
New systems must be built around initial truth maker’s created proofs…
There Exists Only ‘One’ Absolutely Non-Contradictory Logic…
Scientific Meta-Physical Realism__Grounds_Outside The Brain…
The Meta-Incommensurability of The Two Meta-Physical Systems__Mental and; Non-Mental__Spirit vs. Science…
Proof 1st__System 2nd…
AI__Absolute PPP…
AI isn’t something discovered__It’s Created Truth Maker Wisdom…
AI__Arithmetical Intelligence…
Global Derivatives Price Fixing…
The Incommensurable Dynamics Between Socrates & Plato…
The World of Two Madnesses__Belief & Science…
The Moral Self and; Self-Conduct…
The Inductive Laws of Measurement…
The Mind’s Natural Induction Mechanics’ Engine…
The Necessary Truth Measurement Mechanics’ Engine of Minds…
Induction, Founded On “Fundamental c Measurement”, Is The Highest Soundness of Thought Possible__E=MC^2…
c Invariance “Contradictions” Falsify All Loose/Naked Deductions…
The Necessary Induction From c Invariance__Measurable Truth…
Algorithmic Induction, Founded On “Fundamental c Measurement”, Is Invariantly True…